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UK: 10 million Euro EU funding for the organic sector

by Editor (comments: 0)

Under the headline „UK Organic Sector backed by EU Funding“ the British Organic Trade Board (OTB) informed, that the OTB have been successful in a joint funding application to the EU to promote the organic food and drink sector in partnership with Organic Denmark. OTB will manage the fund on behalf of both countries, amounting to €10.4million over three years. The OTB bid was successful as the campaign will focus on growing retail sales, increasing employment in organic agriculture and raising awareness of the benefits of organic food and drink.70% of the fund will be spent in the UK, writes OTB.

The UK organic market grew by 5.6% in 2016, is worth £1.4Bn p.a. and represents 1.8% of total grocery sales. In contrast, the non-organic sector grew by only 0.6% last year. Adrian Blackshaw, Chairman of OTB commenting said “We are delighted to have won this bid and to be able to share best practice with our partner, Organic Denmark. The aim of the campaign, estimated to be the largest international Organic campaign, is to grow the organic sector and increase total annual spend on organic. Given the worldwide growth in organics, we are excited at the export potential for UK producers and brand owners.”

The campaign has been match funded by 60 OTB member companies, which account for 70% of the UK Organic market, including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, OMSCo, major brands such as Doves Farm Foods and Rachel’s, plus independent retailers and wholesalers. OTB members have pledged £340K p.a. The total fund will be £1.7m p.a, informs the association.

The Organic Trade Board was formed in 2009 and has one aim: to grow organic sales in the UK. With over 135 members and representing over 70% of the UK’s organic market from brands, processors, co-ops and retailers we are the voice of the organic industry.




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