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UAE: Organic milk delivered to the door

by Editor (comments: 0)

UAE´s dairy Koita offers organic milk and will expand to non-dairy beverage.

Koita’s organic long-life milk is delivered by a new service: a milkman brings the milk daily to the door of people who ordered it, reports the newspaper The National (online). The milk is free from pesticides, artificial hormones or antibiotics, and has added halal-certified vitamin A and D3.

UAE´s milk brand Koita has been offering its organic products in key supermarkets, organic stores and markets, as well as schools, play areas and cafes in the region, since 2013. The free “milkman delivery” service was recently started across the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Innovations driven company

This delivery service is another innovation of Koita and promises to make life that little bit easier for busy parents, writes The National. Mustafa Koita, founder of the dairy company, has also expanded the offering to include non-dairy alternatives in the form of non-GMO soy milk, with almond milk due to be added to the portfolio in January.

The entrpreneur choose for organic because for him the milk’s taste is important. When he was developing the brand, he visited 40 farms in Europe, the United States, Australia and the Middle East, to observe how cows were treated, to analyse the environmental impacts of farm operations and transportation, and to find the best-tasting milk. He discovered it in Italy, reports The National.




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