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TRACES: electronic certification system now compulsory

by Editor (comments: 0)

The new electronic certification system called TRACES (Trade Control & Export System), which has been operated in the EU since April 2017, is now compulsory. The system aims at improving the monitoring of organic products imported into the EU from third countries. Since 19th October 2017, only electronic certificates are accepted for organic exports. Thus, now importers have to register on the TRACES-database. After the registration, authorities in control have to approve of the import companies as well as to admit the companies’ operation within the database. As of late, German users of the database are able to use a FAQ, recently compiled by the German Association for Resource Conservation (GfRS), the German Association of Organic Food Producers (AöL), the Office Food Science and Quality (BLQ) and the German Fruit Trade Organisation (DFHV).

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