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The IFOAM 3.0 document has been revised

by Editor (comments: 0)

Following the release of Organic 3.0 for Truly Sustainable Farming and Consumption at the Goesan International Organic Expo in October 2015, IFOAM - Organics International welcomed feedback from stakeholders all over the world as a way to further refine and improve the ideas contained in it.

The response was overwhelmingly positive with a variety of helpful suggestions, which have now been incorporated into the final version, explains IFOAM in its recent newsletter. The revised version ist now available here.

According to IFOAM - Organics International the document will also be transformed into a brief that is planned to become the newest of the Organic Landmarks, pending approval at the General Assembly in India in November 2017.

More information:

Organic 3.0 is the second of Sustainable Organic Agriculture Action Network SOAAN's products and is based on SOAAN's first major work, the Best Practice Guideline for Agriculture and Value Chains.

An integral part of Organic 3.0 is the Best Practice Community. Check it out here.

Check out the publication in the IFOAM bookshop.

A pdf of the new Organic 3.0 booklet can be found here.




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