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Tens of thousands of people took part in the worldwide March Against Monsanto

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The third annual March Against Monsanto took place on 23 May 2015. Tens of thousands of people were involved to protest against the biotechnology giant Monsanto and its GM crops and pesticides, The Guardian reports. The march was held in around 400 towns in over 40 countries involving the Americas, Africa and Europe.

Around 2,500 people were counted in the Swiss cities of Basel and Morges where the company has its headquarters for Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Close to 1,000 activists gathered in front of the European parliament in Strasbourg for a minute’s silence for the existing and future victims poisoned by pesticides, and around 3,000 protesters took part in the march in Paris.

In the USA, protesters marched in Portland and Seattle as well as in large and small cities from coast to coast. Up to 500 protesters including families with small children took part in a rally in Los Angeles. In Santiago (Chile), around 1,000 people demanded the withdrawal of Monsanto from the country and the end of production of GM foods, and in Rio, a noisy demonstration accused Monsanto of bioterrorism, according to The Guardian. More information is available here and here.


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