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New EU regulation on control system came into force

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The new regulation on the control system for organic farming and production ((EU) No 392/2013) entered into force on 1 January 2014. It amends articles 2, 63, 68 and 92 of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008, IFOAM EU reports. In general, the changes to article 92 are meant to improve transparency and communication between all the control stakeholders (Commission, competent authorities and control bodies). Additional commitments of communication from the operator to the control body are added in the amendment of article 68. This amendment also interestingly allows for the possibility of using electronic certification if a tamper-proof electronic method is employed.

Important new requirements concerning control body activities are: The number of samples to be taken and analysed by the control body every year shall correspond to at least 5% of the number of operators under its control. Additional random control visits must account for at least 10% of their controlled operators, with these visits being targeted at higher risk operators. At least 10% of all inspections and visits carried out have to be unannounced.







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