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Switzerland: Migros offers reusable veggie bags

by Editor (comments: 1)

Called “Veggie-Bags“, the Swiss corporation Migros is now selling reusable bags for fruit and vegetables. You can get the bags, that the company describes as made from 100 percent non-toxic and recyclable polyester, in Migros stores and Swiss Alnatura outlets.

Migros says the light, fine-mesh bags can be folded so you can keep them with you in your pocket. You can easily apply and remove barcodes on the label on the side. A set of four bags costs 9.90 Swiss Francs.

The bags were developed in cooperation with the organisation OceanCare. "By selling these bags, we're reacting to the many customers who have asked us for environmentally friendly ways of buying loose fruit and vegetables," explains Melanie Chaves, Marketing Manager for fruit and vegetables at Migros.



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Comment by Roger Reuss |

This is of corse very good! But on the other hand a most organic fruits and vegtebles are prepake in other plastic bags. Therefore an initiative to change that as well would be very welcome and is defenatley needed.
