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Swiss organic manufacturer: Soyana has expanded

by Editor (comments: 0)

The Swiss organic manufacturer Soyana has moved into a new production facility in Schlieren near Zurich. The organic veggie pioneers explained that the three-story building (roughly 4,000 m²) cost a total of ten million euros, with seven million being borne by the lessor and the rest invested by  Soyana in fitting out and new machinery.

They said 100 different vegan foods are currently  being produced there, and anothert 35 are due to be added by the end of the year. “They will include about 20 products never seen anywhere before,“ says Walter Dänzer. The founder of the firm emphasises, moreover, that they intend to stay loyal the specialist wholefood trade. “You find Soyana only in the specialist organic trade and gastronomy, and that's not going to change.“




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