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Swiss consumers buy fair trade products for half a billion USD

by Editor (comments: 0)

In 2015 the Swiss bought 520 million CHF (522 million USD) of fair trade products with the Max Havelaar label, explains Fresh Plaza. The bestselling fair trade products are bananas, with a share of 53% compared to standard bananas. The Max Havelaar pineapple has a market share of 43% and a quarter of the fruit juice sold has a Fair-Trade-Label. The sales of chocolate and cocoa has increased too, according to the Foundation this is due the Fairtrade Cocoa Program that started in 2014.

Compared to the previous year the sales of fair trade products increased by 11.4%. “Fair trade products are definitely not a niche product anymore,” stated the Max Havelaar foundation. According to the Max Havelaar Foundation Switzerland has an international leading role. Trade, caterers and municipalities increasingly focus on sustainability and more fair trade products are part of their range and become the standard.

The main Fairtrade sellers in Switzerland are the two big retailers Migros and Coop. Coop offers the largest range of Fairtrade products. The retailer claims that every second Fairtrade product sold in Switzerland is sold at Coop. By buying fair trade products Swiss consumers contribute to the adequate compensation of the producers in developing and emerging countries. Trade works when, not only the producers but also the industry, commerce, politics and consumers participate.


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