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Slovakia: International conference on organic agriculture sciences

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The International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS) will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia from 14 -17 October 2015. ICOAS is an international scientific event for cutting-edge organic agriculture research located in Central and Eastern Europe, and provides the opportunity for researchers, students, non-governmental organizations, practitioners and policy makers to meet and discuss current challenges. Presentations are invited on the following topics: Innovations in organic crop and animal production; sustainability assessment; food quality, safety and nutrition; and socio-economic challenges. An exhibition will take place during the conference too. (Picture: Organic sheep in Slovakia)

The organic policy summit Organic Farming between Sustainability Policy, Consumer Expectations and Niche Market will be held under the auspices of the Slovak National Parliament on 14 October 2015. It will provide a platform for open discussions among policy makers at EU and member state level, as well as for organic stakeholders, researchers, NGOs and all others interested. The aim of the summit is to link political priorities with organic stakeholder’s realities to identify future needs in research and to define consumer expectations for the development of the organic sector. On 17 October, an excursion will be offered in the course of the conference. Further details on the event are available here.





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