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Netherlands: Contest for organic shops

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The three winners of the 2013 public contest Favoriete Biowinkels (Favourite Shops) have reported good results for the first quarter of 2014. The demand for organics and the turnovers of De Korenmaat in Zeist, Solidare in Tilburg and De Ieme in Borger went up considerably and the retailers saw their customer base grow. Positive reactions came from their customers, and much attention was given to them by the press. According to the three retailers, the contest strenghtened the relationship between them and also with their customers. 

Bionext and Biowinkelvereniging (the association for organic shops  in the Netherlands) are very pleased with the results. They have decided to launch another contest. It will start in autumn 2014 and the results will be revealed at the fair Biobeurs in Zwolle in January 2015. More information (in Dutch) is available from Bionext.




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