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Regenerative Earth Summit: Food + Climate + Culture in November 2017

by Editor (comments: 0)

Regenerative Earth Summit

Speakers at the Renerative Earth Summit (Photo © At the Epicenter)

On 6th and 7th of November 2017, At the Epicenter, a US nonprofit organization, is hosting the Regenerative Earth Summit: Food + Climate + Culture in Boulder, Colorado. Designed for the food industry and its stakeholders, the summit aims at providing a platform for sharing new ideas, fostering collaborations and bringing about necessary change to the agriculture system by focusing on enhancing the health of soil for carbon draw down to mitigate effects of climate change. As many different parties such as influencers in the natural, organic and regenerative food and agriculture movement, farmers and investors play an important role in driving systemic food systems change through the supply and demand chain, the Regenerative Earth Summit will assemble all these different ideas and the partakers will plot a course for action.

The summit will take place at the Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex of the University of Colorado in Boulder. For more information and tickets please visit:




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