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Record attendance at the Organic Center’s Annual Benefit Dinner

by Editor (comments: 0)

A record-setting crowd of more than 650 organic visionaries, activists, and business executives gathered enthusiastically earlier this month in Anaheim, California, at The Organic Center's Annual Benefit Dinner. They enjoyed an organic feast, caught up with old friends and made new ones, celebrated the science of organic, and while doing so, raised over $415,000 to help advance the projects of the non-profit research and education organization, according to PR News Wire.

The sold-out gala, which was based around the theme "Good Food. Good Company. Good Science," featured famed restaurateur, organic food activist and healthy-eating pioneer Alice Waters as the keynote speaker. The Organic Center's key objectives include consumer education on organic, and informing organic farmers, other organic stakeholders, and also non-organic producers on critical research to assist them in their operations.

The Organic Center's annual fundraiser, one of the headline events at Natural Products Expo West, also drew an unprecedented audience for the event on social media channels, with its reach almost doubling from last year. More than 1.7 million people outside the ballroom shared in the event through the 845 social media updates posted by some 350 dinner guests and influencers at the gala using the #OrganicBenefit hashtag.

"The Organic Center is doing crucial work to help moms and dads and everyone understand the importance of organic, and to keep producers informed of the best organic agricultural practices," said Todd Linsky, chairman of the Board of Trustees for The Center.




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