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Poland: new food act comes into parliament

by Editor (comments: 0)

The ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside worked hard to get a New Food Act to be discussed on a political level. This food act which supports the small farmer's right to sell home grown and processed farmhouse foods, is now getting its first reading in the Polish parliament, announced ICPPC.

Up until now, Poland's small farmers have been heavily discriminated against thanks to regulatory pressures making it illegal for them to process and sell home grown foods without a separate building and a special license. Supermarket and food industry lobbying of successive governments has pushed millions of small farms to the edge of bankruptcy and threatened the future of traditional Polish farming values throughout the Country.
The ICPPC 'farmer/consumer' written Act, insists on a derogation being made available for smaller scale farms to be freed from Polish and EU regulatory conditions only pertaining to large farming enterprises. The Act which will change all this, still needs to pass through further stages of parliamentary procedures, before being voted on.

Photos from a direct selling campaign





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