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Organophosphate pesticides hiding in food products

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In a landmark alliance, known as Project TENDR, leaders of various disciplines have come together in a consensus statement to say that many of the chemicals found in everyday products can result in neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism and attention-deficit disorders.

WQAD News 8 explained that last year, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stated that “Widespread exposure to toxic environmental chemicals threatens healthy human reproduction.” This is the first time that leading scientists, doctors and policy advocates across various disciplines have come together to say that the science on toxic chemicals is clear: They can harm brain development.

Organophosphate pesticides account for about half of all pesticide use in the United States

Organophosphate pesticides are a class of neurotoxic chemicals used as warfare agents in the 1930s. However, today, they account for about half of all pesticide use in the United States. And they can make their way onto crops that we use as food sources. Areas that spray pesticides heavily, such as farms, may find higher rates of exposure. Children exposed to higher levels of these pesticides have been found to have higher rates of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. You can reduce your exposure to them by eating organic and using alternative pest control methods.

Also between 1929 and 1977, thousands of tons of polychlorinated biphenyls were used worldwide. Production of the chemical in the U.S. was banned by the EPA in 1977, but they can linger in the environment for a long time and make their way into the food chain. These chemicals have been used as coolants and lubricants in electrical equipment because they are good insulators. They have made their way into our food sources, particularly fish and some meat.



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