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Organic Week in Andalusia

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Semana Ecológica (Organic Week) 2015 that is organised by the association Valor Ecológico-CAAE, Ecovalia, is taking place all over Andalusia from 16 March to 13 April. The campaign was launched in 2007 and originally lasted for a week. Due to its popularity and the many activities by the organic sector and the general public, the project has been expanded to cover a full month in 2015. Aiming to promote the values and characteristics of organic food, it includes various actions in cooperation with other groups and institutions.

Activities are aimed at all audiences. Forums, technical conferences and professional meetings are taking place that cover subjects of great interest like wine, olives, livestock, commercialisation and distribution, as well as promotion and marketing of organics. There are also activities that are more focused on consumers, like the promotion of organics in shops, show cooking and cooking classes. Renowned chefs are offering tastings of dishes with organic ingredients. The younger audience is  involved with drawing and photography courses, activities in environmental activity centres and cooking for children. More information (in Spanish) is available here.



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