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Organic sector in Australia keeps on growing

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The Organic Federation of Australia (OFA) is launching the first Organic Business Brunch for 2015 titled Young Entrepreneurs and Organics. It will take place in Melbourne on 25 February 2015. One of the speakers will be Andre Leu, President of IFOAM. OFA, in partnership with the National Environment Centre (NEC), has also launched the first ever National Organic Intern Program in Australia. People who are interested in registering their farm or as an intern can find further information here.

According to the latest Australian Organic Market Report published in November 2014, the organic industry  in the country is now valued at over AUD1.72 billion (about €1.17 billion), representing a 15.4% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since 2009. Availability of organics in major supermarkets and new independent organic retailers is in part responsible for this growth; however an extremely strong export market is supporting existing farmers and producers as well as encouraging new entrants into the organic arena.

(Picture: Organic cattle in Australia)

Dairy was the fastest growing organic category in 2014, estimated to be worth AUD113 million. With compound growth of 127% from 2011 to 2014, beef was the second fastest growing sector with a total value of AUD198 million in 2014. Wine grape production increased by 120% between 2011 and 2014 and was worth AUD117 million in 2014. Despite suffering during the drought, the organic grain category grew by 20% in three years. Organic cosmeticsgrew by 18% annually from 2009 - 2014 with skincare (35.4%) and haircare (33.7%) showing the greatest rise. With demand for organics outstripping supply by 40%, the Australian retail market for certified organic products is also expected to continue on this growth path with private label products, certified organic processed foods and greater affordability driving this trajectory.

Source: OFA / Australian Organic

More information is available here.




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