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Organic Milk Market Report 2017

by Editor (comments: 0)

The 2017 edition of the OMSCo Organic Milk Market Report highlights strong growth worldwide for organic dairy, driven by a common consumer focus on health and wellness.

1 million new households

In the UK, in contrast to the standard milk category which fell by 1.9%, organic milk volumes increased by 4.4% in the same period in 2016. The organic milk category attracted 1 million new households, an increase of 15%. 1 in 4 households now purchase organic milk. Organic dairy in the UK is worth £344m, growing at 2.2%, but this lags behind other key international markets.

So exports have become an increasingly important market for UK organic dairy, playing a significant role in balancing UK market fluctuations and therefore delivering a stable return to UK farmers.

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