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Organic Milk Market Report 2015

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The updated Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative (OMSCo) Organic Milk Market Report offers a detailed review of the current trends in the UK organic milk market and the outlook for the future, including the performance of consumer sales in the UK, the role of export, and a projection of overall supply and demand in both the short and medium term.

The global organic dairy market is valued at US$7.7 billion (about €6.76 billion), representing 11% of the total global organic food and drinks market. Europe is the world’s largest organic dairy market and continues to show strong growth. In 2013, organic dairy value growth in the UK increased by 9.8%, although volume remained largely flat. The UK is the world’s second largest organic dairy market. Whilst the organic liquid milk market is dominated by private label, branded products represent 27% of sales, and are growing at a faster rate. The leading brand in the UK, Yeo Valley, has performed ahead of the sector’s average growth rate, recording a 13.2% increase in value sales, versus 4.5% for private label. The full report is available here.

OMSCo was formed in 1994 by a group of five like-minded organic dairy farmers who joined forces to market their organic milk. It is the largest and longest-established organic milk supplier in the UK with a milk pool of around two thirds of the UK’s output. OMSCo is 100 percent organic and with farms stretching from Cornwall in the south of England to Inverness in the north of Scotland, and from east to west as well.

Source: OMSCo

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