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Organic logos: Germany the frontrunner

by Editor (comments: 0)

In Europe and worldwide there are now 100,000 products with an organic logo and they include an especially high number of new products. In terms of product innovations, Germany is in the lead.

A quarter of all new food and drink products worldwide that carry an organic label are from Germany, according to the specialist publication Lebensmittel Praxis International (LPI) whose information is based on a survey by Mintel Market Research. This means that worldwide Germany is way out front.

According to Mintel the figure for Sweden is 22%, and 20% for the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. At 19% Denmark and Austria are also near the top, whereas the USA (14%) and Britain (6%), for example, are much lower in the list when it comes to launching new organic products.

From Mintel we learn too that the Germans and the French are willing to pay more for organic products – up to almost a quarter more. The equivalent figure in other European countries is less than 20%: Poland 17%, Italy 16% and Spain 14%.





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