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Organic Food Deliveries in Rio by Clube Orgânico

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Two young Brazilians founded a food club that connects consumers and organic producers through weekly delivery of organic food baskets, reports the Rio Times online. On April 6th 2015 the Clube Orgânico will officially be launched in Rio de Janeiro. The organic food club will offer weekly delivery of organic food baskets, a system working very well in many other countries.

Created by Victor Piranda and Eduardo Boorhem, the pilot of the project was launched in September 2014. The creators of the Clube Orgânico were inspired by similar distribution channels in Japan and the United States. “We know there is great demand for organic food, but it is difficult to find it, and the produce is not always in good condition and is usually expensive,” co-founder Piranda recently told Agência Brasil. “The Organic Club is a collaborative economy project, we want to ensure fair compensation to the producer, so they can work safely and offer quality products at fair prices.”

Subscriptions to the club work by a monthly fee with an initial sign-up charge. On Mondays, Clube Orgânico subscribers receive a standard basket with fifteen items including organically grown fruits, root vegetables, and spices. Subscribers can indicate which items they prefer always, occasionally and/or rarely.


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