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Organic Food Addresses in Prague

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Good Food Clinic now published an article with photos to connect with the best organic addresses in the Czech Capital (

The first address is Country Life, the biggest organic wholesaler and retailer in the Czech Republic. A cosmetic department is next to the food offerings. Furthermore, they sell sandwiches, and costumers can go to their organic cafeteria, where tourists and inhabitants get a delicious lunch. Seven Country Life shops are situated in Prague, one is outside of the Capital, in Nenacovice where the manufacturing and wholesale takes place (addresses of the shops:

Bio Obchod ( has a standard selection of health-store goods, plus organic wines, freshly ground spelt coffee, and various Japanese cooking ingredients. They also carry organic bath and body products. Bio Zahrada ( is a very nice place with café. They offer organic groceries, vegetables and fruits, meat and cleaning products. Rozmaryna ( is a healthy food shop, which quickly became a favourite for its good choice of organic fruits and vegetables, cow and goat dairy products, and teas. Fresh Bedynky ( delivers organic products from the farms to your house. Costumers can choose the box type, size and delivery frequency that best fits their lifestyle. Delivery frequency can be weekly, every other week or every 3 or 4 weeks. There is no commitment and you can change according to the needs.



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