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Open farm days in the Netherlands

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On 20 – 21 June, the annual event Lekker naar de Boer (Tasty food from the farmer) will take place again all over the Netherlands. About 140 organic farms open their doors to visitors during that weekend. Interested visitors will be informed on the farm business by the farmers, learn about production methods and be able to ask their questions. A wide range of activities will be offered so there is plenty to do for everyone - for younger and older people as well as for families with children.

Farm tours will take place as well as workshops. At farmers’ markets and tastings, people will be able to enjoy organic products. There will not only be close contact to the farmers, but also to the farm animals and one can walk along fruit and vegetable fields. People can pick their own fruit, make butter or taste wine, and children can pet calves, climb hay bales or pick eggs. On the website one can enter a postcal code or town and search for events involving animals, fruit and vegetables or dairy products and cheese in the area. The website also features over 25 bicycle routs along several organic farms and farmers are blogging their activities here. All information is available in Dutch.




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