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Open calls for the Organic World Congress 2017

by Editor (comments: 0)

The 19th Organic World Congress of IFOAM - Organics International, will take place from 09th to the 11th of November 2017 in India, now opens its Call for Papers. Every three years sector stakeholders come together at the Organic World Congress (OWC), the world’s largest and most significant organic gathering, to discuss and deliberate the issues of the day. 

The 19th OWC is structured in four conference tracks: Main Track, Farmers' Track, Scientific Track, and Marketing Track.

The Main Track is a series of public discussions and debates by leaders from the organic movement on how we can best promote and implement the organic agenda.  The main theme will be Global Adoption of Organic Principles for Truly Sustainable Agriculture'.

The Farmers’ Track provides a forum to highlight farmers’ work in organic especially with regards to innovations used on their farms.

The Scientific Track is a platform where research results are presented and discussed. Papers must link to scientific disciplines such as soil, plant, animal, or economics. 

The Marketing Track discusses innovative ideas for shortening value chains, for systems that build trust between actors, for promising marketing methods and for organic and fair trade alliance building. Papers are called for that deal with emerging trends in quality assurance, e.g. PGS (Participatory Guarantee Systems), CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), fair trade and other alternative and integrative systems.

The deadline for submissions is the 30th of September 2016.



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