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Nicaragua: Riots affect organic farms and social initiatives

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Elba Rivera at the Montessori School in Nueva Guinea in Nicaragua. Photo Karin Heinze

Elba Rivera at the Montessori School in Nueva Guinea in Nicaragua. Photo Karin Heinze

In mid-April the riots began in Nicaragua. The people expressed their frustration after more than a decade of oppression. Since then, the Ortega regime has been crushing the people´s revolt with brutal force. There is a need for soldarity.

The sad result so far is about 220 deaths and over 1,000 injuries. The Montessori initiative Escuela Montessori Jan Amos Comenius with an organic school garden and the associated foundation, which we reported on in 2016, are severely affected by the riots. 

The initiator and director of the Montessori School Elba Rivera Urbina writes: "Actually the year 2018 should bring an upswing in dynamics, since we were recognized as the PASCH School". At the moment, however, this is put on hold, as hardly anyone dares to travel to Nueva Guinea in southern Nicaragua or the roadblocks do not allow it. "Our four German volunteers were also withdrawn - a decision of the responsible German Federal Ministry BMZE, so that we have to improvise, especially at the moment with the German classes.

The initiative is grateful for each sign of solidarity.

Further information on Facebook. 


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