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New Zealand exports organic onions to Europe

by Editor (comments: 0)

Onions have recently been exported from New Zealand to Europe. symbol picture © Pixabay/1195798

New Zealand’s very first Export Organic Onions have arrived in Europe. Leading New Zealand Grower, Bostock New Zealand has exported organic onions for the first time as it moves to meet the growing demand for the vegetables.

Bostock Organic Growing Manager Sam Reynolds was there to inspect the first container of organic export onions. “We were so pleased to open the container and see our onions, looking the same as they did when they left our packhouse in New Zealand.”The Bostock team are meeting with other organic onion growers and service companies in Europe to build relationships and learn better growing techniques which they can apply in Hawke’s Bay. “We’ve gained a better understanding of market requirements both in terms of quality and timing. There is a small but important overseas market window that New Zealand organic onions can fill in mid-April to mid-July every year.”

Mr Bostock says the company is committed to increasing its organic footprint and is increasing its organic onion production.


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