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New Managing Director at Rapunzel

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Die neue Geschäftsführung bei Rapunzel: Firmengründer Joseph Wilhelm, Sohn Leonhard Wilhelm und Margit Epple.
Die neue Geschäftsführung bei Rapunzel: Firmengründer Joseph Wilhelm, sein Sohn Leonhard Wilhelm und Margit Epple. © Rapunzel

Leonhard Wilhelm is now the third managing director at Rapunzel. The son of the company founders Joseph Wilhelm and Jennifer Vermeulen supports his father and Margit Epple in the management of the company.

Responsible for sales, raw material trade and private labels

Leonhard Wilhelm is responsible for sales (brand Rapunzel Germany and Export), raw materials trading, private labels, as well as for purchasing and raw materials security.

He has worked for Rapunzel since 2003, first as an export clerk for raw materials, then as a team leader in raw materials trading, and from 2017 as an assistant to the management.

Leonhard Wilhelm wants to set his own marks at Rapunzel

Leonhard Wilhelm says that he doesn't just want to follow in the footsteps of his parents, but to follow them by setting his own footsteps. He sees parallels to his hobby: "As a long-time skateboarder I love and live the life of a border crosser. However, you should only consciously cross the borders if you have the ability to do so. And I see this new task as a challenge in life."

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