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New German government: positve plans towards the organic industry

by Editor (comments: 0)

Julia Klöckner (CDU) is ment to be the future agricultural minister in a new German government.

Julia Klöckner (CDU) is probably to be the future agricultural minister in a new German government. 

Concerning agriculture the coalition negotiators took some decisions in favor of the organic sector. According to their coalition compromise the „Groko“ agreed to phase out glyphosate as soon as possible.

The coalition partners CDU/CSU and SPD agreed to significantly restrict the use of glyphosate-containing pesticides. The goal is to "basically terminate the application as soon as possible". In order to minimize the use of glyphosate, the future coalition intends to develop alternatives within the framework of an agricultural strategy in order to regulate an environmentally and nature-friendly application of pesticides, the papers say. In addition, there is talk of a state animal welfare label, which should also end the killing of day-old chicks, a genetic engineering prohibition nationwide uniformly regulated and seed purity.

The future government coalition has set a deadline of 2030 for its 20 percent organic target. To implement the entire announcements for sustainable agriculture is expected Julia Klöckner (CDU) as Minister.





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