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Natrue: No European harmonised Natural Cosmetic Standard 2017

by Editor (comments: 0)

What will the next year bring as change for natural and organic cosmetics, asks Natrue, the association for natural and organic cosmetics. There won´t be an European harmonised standard for natural and organic cosmetics, that´s the fact.

The absence of European harmonised standard for Natural and Organic Cosmetics has been previously communicated in an official statement by the EU Commission that can be found here, explains NAtrue..

This means the current regulatory framework remains identical on 1st January 2017:

· All cosmetics on the European market must comply with the EU Cosmetic Regulation;

· In the absence of an official regulatory definition of Natural and Organic Cosmetic products there exist private, voluntary standards like that of NATRUE, which sets criteria for the NATRUE Label.

· Natural and Organic Cosmetic products are still an officially undefined sector of the tightly regulated European industry.

"On 1st January 2017 there will not be a mandatory European harmonised standard setting criteria for all Natural and Organic Cosmetics, and there will be no obligatory Label in Europe for Natural and Organic Cosmetics on this date either", said Dr Mark Smith, Director General NATRUE, who added that "NATRUE will continue to advocate that any future regulatory definition of Natural and Organic Cosmetics must be appropriate, relevant and strict, and pending an official regulatory definition the strict NATRUE Label criteria will continue."

Even in the absence of European harmonised standard for Natural and Organic Cosmetics, NATRUE looks forward positively to 2017, and its continued mission to protect and promote natural and organic cosmetics for the benefit of consumers worldwide.



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