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Comment by lannit |

Please stop repeating this myth that these GE mushrooms aren't GMO. If you look into the issue, the USDA only said the mushrooms don't constitute a plant pest (their only criteria for regulating a GE crop). The inventor of the mushrooms has been very clear that he will go through with the FDA voluntary consultation process for GMOs before he introduces the mushroom to the market. Furthermore, and more importantly, the Codex Alimentarius (Food Code) definition of genetic engineered food adopted by the World Health Organization clearly includes the CRISPR version of gene-editing used to produce this mushroom. States like Vermont who have passed or plan to pass GMO labeling laws, all use the same Codex Alimentarius (Food Code) definition of GE food. As a result, these state GMO labeling laws all require that these GMO mushrooms and any other gene-edited fruits and vegetables (currently GMO apples and GMO potatoes) are labeled as "produced with genetic engineering."
