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Campaign for organic milk to be used in schools

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic milk, as the cheapest entry into organic food, should be served in schools, says Ian Proctor, managing director of Hi Peak Organic Feeds: “A vastly bigger organic market awaits the UK, but it will only be unleashed when organic food in Britain receives the same priority as in wider Europe. “A recently published Global Indices of Leadership in Organics shows if there had been a 2012 organic Olympics, team GB would not even have made the medal-table, yet Germany and France would sit at or near the top,” he added.

He said the price differential between conventional and organic milk was ‘derisory’, with a four-pint carton of organic typically retailing at 37.5p per pint. “Organic milk producers should write to their local MP and education authorities requesting tangible support to drive up organic milk sales. An additional one per cent of the UK population consuming organic milk would equate to a 37 per cent increase in organic milk consumption.”

Source: Farmers Guardian


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