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Lithuania: big investment in organic agriculture

by Editor (comments: 0)

Lithuania has a great organic agricultural potential. Its public opinion is also disposed to develop this, for the country, new type of agriculture. Lithuanians agree with to 74% to support an environment conscious agriculture, along with banning the use of any chemical fertilizers in agriculture. End of September AB Agrowill Group  introduced a new organic food brand AUGA, which is to become available for Lithuanian consumers in October.

AB Agrowill Group is the largest organic farming and investment group of companies in Lithuania which is developing a unique business model based on the latest scientific knowledge ensuring the use of the environment-friendly organic farming technology in all interrelated agricultural, livestock farming, mushroom growing, and agricultural production processes.

Two years ago Agrowill Group decided to switch from conventional to organic agriculture. Therefore the biggest investment of the company‘s history for this new project. Global News Wire quoted chairman of the board of AB Agrowill Group, Kęstutis Juščius about issues of organic farming , “The situation of agriculture in Lithuanian and globally is not acceptable. In many cases farming results not in producing clean food, but in creating profits for chemical industry. Lithuania is one of the cleanest countries in the world, therefore we have a unique opportunity to use this advantage and to develop ecological agriculture”.

The AUGA brand name will be placed on a wide range of organic food products. Consumers can expect a wide range of fresh and preserved organic champignons, potatoes, carrots, beetroots will appear in retail.. The product range will expand with diary, grain and poultry products.



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