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Join the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit in Paris

by Editor (comments: 0)

Cream and oil in glass containers
Since 2009, the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit has been encouraging sustainability in the beauty industry. Picture © Pixabay / silviarita

The Sustainable Cosmetics Summit will focus on innovations in green ingredients, packaging, and marketing. Hosted in Paris on 7-9th November, it will show how sustainability is inspiring new products, formulations and packaging in the cosmetics industry.

Around these main topics, a lot of questions will be adressed: How can operators move to circular systems using green ingredients and packaging materials? What novel green materials are emerging? What are the alternatives to replace plastics in packaging? What are the marketing issues when launching new sustainable products?

The European edition of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit will once again be hosted at the Paris Marriott Champs-Élysées hotel on 7-9th November 2022. The Sustainable Beauty Awards will be co-hosted alongside the summit at the same venue.

For more information and registration, please go to the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit's website


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