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Japan: Organic Lifestyle Expo with more space and exhibitors

by Editor (comments: 0)

The  second "Organic Lifestyle EXPO" / OLE will be held in Tokyo from Friday, July 28 to Sunday July 30 at the Tokyo International Forum in central Tokyo, connecting to the contents and themes of OLE 2016.

The number of booths and exhibitors increased by about 25%. The organizers expect continuous growth for OLE 2018 and thereafter with more domestic plus direct foreign exhibitors. A large variety of foreign products is already exhibited at OLE by Japanese importers, and the next challenge is to attract direct exhibitor. The growing Japanese organic market with a demand for more domestic and imported product – food and non-food, raw materials and ingredients, seeds, fertilizer, animal feed and more – offers a great potential for foreign companies.

In consideration of the requirements of the Japanese market and the needs of the organic movement, OLE is held as a B2B2C event where the general public is welcome because informed consumers are the key to progress! On the other hand, Japanese and foreign exhibitor expect tangible results. Therefore, the organizers make much efforts to meet these expectations with various B2B programs and activities.

Organic 3.0 and SDG are the key themes for OLE 2017

On the 28th, we will hold an organic buyers' matchmaking and a business meeting plus a preview at the exhibition hall, and an organic symposium.Organic 3.0 – will be presented and promoted during, before and after OLE by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements). Organic  1.0: Efforts by organic pioneers which started from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Organic 2.0: Since the 1970s  aiming at expanding the scale of the organic market by spreading global standards, standards and certification globally. Organic 3.0 looks at the next era and items which have not been covered by Organic 2.0 . Particular attention is given to developing countries and small farmers, alternative certification systems, networking between organic farmers and consumers. Other important issues are the environmenta and sustainability depletion of natural resources, conservation of global warming and biodiversity, beyond the framework of organic agriculture. This leads to the second theme SDGs.

● Theme 2:  SDG for sustainable development

What is “SDG”? Sustanaible Development Goals “refers to 17 action plans up to 2030 adopted at the” United Nations Sustainable Development Summit “held in the United Nations in September 2015.

“Overcoming poverty and hunger” “realizing healthy living and welfare” “independence of women, respect for children’s rights” “securing water and sanitation” “sustainable energy” “sustainable consumption and production” “ocean Sustainable development of resources “,” Protection of terrestrial ecosystems and prevention of loss of biodiversity ”

UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDG      

The "2030 Agenda" declared "No one left behind" has the following 17 objectives as global priority issues:


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