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Italy: Ramazzini Institute´s glyphosate research project

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Spraying pesticides, Glyphosat c Pixabay
Ramazzini Institue projects an independant study to answer unknown effects of glyphosate. Glyphosat c Pixabay

One of the leading cancer research organisations in the world is launching the most comprehensive independent study on glyphosate & glyphosate-based herbicides ever. Funding for the complete budget is needed.

Unanswered questions

The current situation is that there are no Real-Life Exposure Studies on some effects of glyphosate herbicides, explains the website of the Institute. There have never been any published long-term carcinogenicity or multi-generational lab studies on glyphosate at real-life exposure levels. Although hundreds of studies have been carried out on glyphosate by both the pesticide industry and independent scientists using high doses over long-term periods there never have been both comprehensive - covering long-term toxicity, carcinogenicity and multi-generational effects. Also the question if glyphosate herbicides may be endocrine disruptors at real-life exposure levels, is not examined yet.

The Ramazzini Institute (RI) is an independent, non-profit cooperative of more than 27,000 associates, dedicated to the promotion of scientific research for the prevention of cancer, informs the website. The RI puts its focus primarily on the experimental identification and quantification of carcinogenic risks. And also on the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of drug therapies and active ingredients. The Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center (CMCRC) in the province of Bologna, Italy, is managed by RI. There is one of the world’s largest and longest existing programs of carcinogenicity bioassays conducted.

Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, FIATP, is the Director and Chief of Pathology of the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Centre, where she has been working since 1981. Over the past five years Dr. Belpoggi has also been invited as an expert to meetings on the evaluation and safety of chemicals at the European Parliament in Brussels, at the EU DG-Sanco in Brussels, at the World Health Organization (WHO). She has also been invited as an expert for the development and validation of endocrine disrupting chemicals testing, organized by the European Commission in Brussels. “Whatever the outcome of the study,” Belpoggi says, “IARC, EFSA and the EPA will have solid independent results on which to base a proper risk assessment.”

The total budget for this study is € 5 million

Some parts of the comprehensive not-for-profit study will be able to be completed with any funding amount raised from the public but for the complete study funding is necessary.

You can read about the Ramazzini Institute research project on their website.







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