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Italian Organic Wine Exports Grow By 38%

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In 2015, Italian organic wine exports grew by 38% with sales worth 205 million Euro. Every tenths hectare in Italy is for organic farming with over 57 thousand hectares of organic vineyards. Within Italy, Sicily is the biggest producer of organic wine, followed by Puglia and Tuscany. The Italians like organic wine themselves, as around 21% of them have tried it at least once.

In terms of export, Germany is the leading destination for organic Italian wine, followed by the US and Switzerland.

According to Nomisma, overall wine imports on the top ten global markets grew by 3.8% in the period from January to May 2016, to €7.3 billion. Leading the list of the top ten wine importers are the US (€1.99 billion, +4.5%), the UK (€1.36 billion, -5.6%), Germany (€921.3 million, -6.2%), China (€905.2 million, +41.7%) and Canada (€589.6 million, -5.0%).





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