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In May: Sustainable Cosmetics Summit

by Editor (comments: 0)

The North American edition of this executive summit will be held on 3 – 5 May 2017 in New York. The aim is to examine and discuss the many aspects of the industry but above all it will focus on sustainability.

The summit comprises four dedicated sessions and an interactive workshop. Click here to get the detailed summit agenda. The topic areas include sustainability best-practice, novel green ingredients, natural and organic cosmetics market segmentation, packaging and environmental impacts.

Details will be given on the growing palette of green ingredients for cosmetic and personal care products. Although agricultural materials are now widely used, there are concerns about traceability, as well as environmental and social impacts. New technologies for extraction and processing of plant-based materials will also be discussed.

Sustainable packaging is another focus. How can companies reduce the environmental impact of their packaging? What developments are occurring in eco-design and sustainable materials? How can brands close their packaging loops for sustainability? Such questions will be addressed in this eighth North American edition.


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