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IFOAM Organic Leadership Course Europe

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Together with the IFOAM EU Group, the IFOAM Academy is getting ready for the next edition of the European Organic Leadership Course taking place from July 2015 to February 2016. Residential sessions will take place in the Netherlands from 12 to 19 July 2015 and in Germany in February 2016. Online learning will start in July 2015 and end in February 2016.

Benefits for participants

Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of the organic sector and the ability to apply this knowledge at work in promotion, communication and advocacy. Skills will be developed for organisation, professional project management, and the ability to forge strategic alliances for cross-sector collaboration will be gained. Up-to-date knowledge and the appropriate skills to communicate effectively will be acquired. In the course, understanding of the organic guarantee system underpinning the organic value chain will be increased as well. Participants will have a better understanding of local and global support structures.

Fees and scholarship

The application form has to be submitted by 10 April 2015. A fee of 3.100€ includes all tuition for both residential sessions as well as webinars, all training materials, accommodation (twin sharing), meals, refreshments and study visits. The fee excludes travel to and from the training venue. Scholarships for qualifying candidates with financial constraints will be considered. More information is available here.



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