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IFOAM: Organic 3.0 & the need for scientific support

by Editor (comments: 0)

IFOAM has published a paper as the basis for the intensification of research and as a summary of how the global organic movement sees its future development under Organic 3.0. Organic 1.0 marks the time of the organic pioneers and 2.0 the present situation and systems with certified organic agriculture that accounts for about 1% of global agriculture and food markets.

Published on 17 February the paper describes “Organic 3.0 as a vision and a strategy that the organic movement provides for the organic sector development”.

And further: “Organic 3.0 aims at better contributing to solve challenges in the food chain such as healthy and affordable food for everyone, minimized environmental and food pollution, fairness for producers, high animal welfare, and efficiency in resource utilization. Organic 3.0 is characterized by its objective, a new organic positioning and six innovative features”.

Authored by Markus Arbenz, David Gould and Christopher Stopes, and published by Springer, it can be accessed here. You can also read more about Organic 3.0 here.

Consultation on Breeding Techniques
Another important topic of IFOAM Organics International are breeding techniques that are rapidly evolving. “The recent introduction and broad uptake of new genetic engineering techniques raises potential for huge impacts on our planet and society”, explains. IFOAM - Organics International in its recent newsletter. An expert Working Group will study the full breadth of the topic and its effects both within and beyond the organic sector. A position paper has been drafted, which is released for global consultation and feedback.

More information can be found here.



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