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IFOAM is attending the COP22 climate talks

by Editor (comments: 0)

IFOAM – Organics International is attending the COP22 climate talks to speak out on behalf of the organic food and farming community and to raise awareness of the urgent need to make organic agriculture part of a climate change solution. Read about IFOAM – Organics International at COP22 here.

According to Gabor Figeczky, Advocacy Manager at IFOAM – Organics International, “smallholder farmers have contributed least to the causes of climate change but are suffering most from its detrimental impact on farm resilience and yields. We need climate action policies that focus on food and farming as well as carbon.”
IFOAM therefore call on COP Parties to:
    •    Acknowledge and act on the potential of organic agriculture to contribute to achieving zero hunger without accelerating the effects of climate change.
    •    Slash emissions from agriculture by empowering farmers to farm with agro-ecological knowledge and skills instead of high-emitting, harmful inputs.
    •    Join us in the 4‰ Initiative, launched by the French Government, to facilitate a transition towards productive, resilient agriculture by promoting sustainable soil management and carbon sequestration programs using agro-ecological farming methods such as organic agriculture.
IFOAM will also be hosting a side event on 9 November, Farmers’ Day, titled “Sustainable Food Systems and Agro-ecological Resilience for Biodiversity & Health” where agro-ecological resilience and the adoption of a climate justice approach in the context of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Agenda will be discussed.

The event starts at 16.45, you can tune into the live stream here.






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