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IFOAM EU: What will change with the new Organic Regulation?

by Editor (comments: 0)


Recently, the new Organic Regulation has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Many details of the regulation still have to be developed through delegated and implemented acts, as the current text only represents the ‘Basic Act’.

The European organic food and farming movement, IFOAM EU, calls upon EU institutions to closely work on upcoming implementation acts together with the organic movement in order to make the new regulation practically applicable to the daily work of all segments of the organic production chain: farmers, processors, traders, retailers and the control system. Furthermore, IFOAM EU considers that a new EU Organic Action Plan post-2020 would make a positive contribution to the smooth application of the new Organic Regulation, which will apply from 1st January 2021.

In order to support all affected stakeholders from farming, processing and certification, the organization has put together a briefing on what the new Organic Regulation will change.

For the briefing as well as further information please visit the IFOAM EU website.




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