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IFOAM call for examples of supportive government policies

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The Organic Value Chain department is collecting documentation of government policies and programs (besides regulations) to support organic agriculture and markets. The aim is to compile and organize these in a Tool Kit that can assist organic advocates and governments in their dialogue on support strategies for expanding organic agriculture and markets.

Examples of such government policies and programs include but are not limited to comprehensive organic strategic plans, promotion programs, organic data collection (prices, markets, production), support for research on organic systems, training and extension, direct financial support to operators (subsidies, certification cost-share), capacity development, public procurement, export assistance. IFOAM is also interested to include polices that remove barriers for organic farmers such as removing subsidies or tax breaks for conventional production inputs. Programs could be fully government driven, or could be based on public-private collaboration. However, they should entail some substantial government participation. IFOAM is seeking both policy documents and program descriptions in English, French or Spanish and accepts translations from other languages into any of these languages. More information is available here.



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