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9th European Organic Congress: Designing our future

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

This years’ Organic Congress from IFOAM EU group will take place in Riga. European organic stakeholders and policy makers will gather in the Latvian capital on 11-13 June to design the future of the EU organic movement. “Where does the organic movement want to be in 2030? What can we deliver to the society?  And most importantly, how will we do so?” – These are the main topics for this international forum.

The European Organic Congress is dedicated to looking to the future. First the new organic regulation process and the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced in 2014 will be discussed. Then, the results of the vision 2030 process will be shared. Build practical strategies to achieve the shared goals is one of the main aims.

The programme and practical information are available on the congress website.

Early bird registration deadline is the 5 April 2015:




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