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247,000 Danes visited organic cows’ spring party

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As every year, the Økodag – organic day – was held all over Denmark in April, Organic Denmark reports. 247,000 people celebrated the ”organic cows’ spring party" this year on farms throughout the country. Famous visitors like Crown Princess Mary of Denmark with three of her children and Food Minister Dan Jørgensen came to the official opening at the farm Bækkenstoft in Zealand, where about 7,500 guests welcomed the farm’s 2200 organic dairy cows outside. 

Since its launch in 2005, more than one million guests came to the organic day altogether to watch how cows left their stables to get back on their pastures for the summer. This year, 75 Danish farms participated that opened their stables at exactly 12 o’clock. “It is really fun to see the cows dance around the fields at this organic party. However, such a day is not only for fun. To me, it is really important that Danish children come to the country and see where their food comes from. It helps to shape them as consumers who later in life can better decide for the Ø label (organic label in Denmark) on their milk carton, for example”, the food minister Dan Jørgensen explained. More information (in Danish) as well as a countdown for the next Økodag on 17 April 2016 is available from www.ø




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