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Green Brexit: the future for food, farming and environment

by Editor (comments: 0)

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The British association Organic Farmers and Growers (OF&G) together with other leading organic organisations is urging government to recognise the opportunities organic offers to deliver a green Brexit.

OF&G is publishing a series of interviews with leading figures in food and farming to find out how we can protect our environment and produce good food post-Brexit. In a blog post, Vicki Hird of Sustainthe alliance for better food and farming – explains why she thinks the government’s vision for food and farming needs to focus on how we produce, market and eat food in order to protect the public’s health, the environment, and the sustainability of UK farm businesses. The article can be found at the OF&G website.

Among others she wrote: "Sustain is clear that public money for public goods is the right approach, but we need to be aware that public goods from farming can be broad in scope. Any changes to the support and regulatory regime must contribute to environmental, social, ethical and public health goals including carbon reduction, rural livelihoods, and a reduction in obesity." And futher: "The key to this will be rewarding farmers for adopting and maintaining agro-ecological approaches (including organic and agroforestry), protecting resources, offering public access, maintaining and enhancing nature and biodiversity, conserving landscapes and heritage features, high animal welfare and finally, in ensuring a supply of sustainable, healthy food".

In February this year the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Defra published a consultation document on the future of UK domestic agricultural policy (England and Wales) and requested responses by 8th May, informs OF&G. The association has been involved in the English Organic Forum and the Organic Trade Board response and have asked licensees to respond directly. You can find the response here.


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