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GOTS: GMO testing method project conceptualised

by Editor (comments: 0)

According to the GOTS newsletter the Global Organic Textile Standad organisation determined through a limited round-robin exercise that test results for GMO presence showed inconsistency and were unreliable in cotton fibre In 2016.

Thus, GOTS initiated and conceptualised a project to determine testing protocols for GM presence in cotton fibre and downstream products. This project is being fully funded by OCA (Organic Cotton Accelerator) and will be taken forward by OCA as an ISO-IWA (International Workshop Agreement) through the NEN (Netherlands Standardisation Institute) who will act as the secretariat.

It is expected that the exercise may take between 8 and 12 months depending on the scope accepted by the ISO, GOTS newsletter reports.

GOTS willl be at international events next months:

January 20-22nd  
InnaTex Wallau/Frankfurt am Main. GOTS Representative Lina Pfeifer and Marketing Director Claudia Kersten will attend. Contact 

BioFach Nuremberg. GOTS Representative Lina Pfeifer will attend together with the IFOAM Organic Leadership Course. Contact





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