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GOTS: Christopher Stopes appointed as Representative to the EU

by Editor (comments: 0)

Christopher Stopes is also President of IFOAM EU Group.

Christopher Stopes is also President of IFOAM EU Group. Photo © Karin Heinze

According to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) newsletter the organisation has placed an increasing focus on European regulatory and policy issues. "The objective is to work towards a position where the fibre production, processing, manufacture and labelling of intermediate and final textile products that should be according to recognised standards and subject to independent third party inspection, verification and certification", explains the article.

In view of this development, GOTS has decided that representation towards the EU institutions and European organisations in the organic and the textile area is necessary in order to enhance our work towards this goal. 
Christopher Stopes is also continuing his ongoing tasks as Representative in the UK. In his function as Representative to the EU his main tasks are to serve on recently established IFOAM EU Textile Task Force, Lobbying the EU Commission and the EU Brussels based organizations, says the newsletter.




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