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Global March Against Monsanto

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On 23 May 2015, a broad coalition of individuals and groups will gather in cities and towns all over the world as part of a global March Against Monsanto. The intention of this march is to raise public awareness and bring increasing political pressure to bear regarding Monsanto’s corporate farming and business practices and to fight for labelling of foods that contain genetically engineered and/or modified materials. It has been estimated that close to 40 countries spanning six continents and over 400 cities will be participating in the March Against Monsanto for a peaceful, non-violent, protest. An online event can be found here. A complete list of events can be found here.

“Monsanto does not want consumers to know what they are eating and is continuing to aggressively fight labelling of GMOs in food. This effort is now reaching even further than blocking attempts by states like California, Oregon and Hawaii from passing labeling laws. Currently a Monsanto former lobbyist is one of the corporate representatives drafting the newest and largest international trade agreement, the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). Non-Labeling of GMO foods is being written into the TPP,” – Barbara Chicherio, Gateway Green Alliance, explains. 


Genetic Engineering

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