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Germany: Highest amount of organic eggs ever

by Editor (comments: 0)

Significantly more eggs from organic husbandry in 2018 than in preceding year in Germany. © Pixabay/Alexandra Koch

235 eggs per capita, a total of 19.5 billion eggs: this is what Germany consumed in 2018. But where are the eggs from?

In 2018, 1.8 percent more eggs were produced in German agricultural enterprises subject to reporting requirements than in the preceding year. With this, about 72 percent of the total inland consumption was covered. Of these, more eggs were produced in mobile sites than before. Also, imports from Poland decreased by 28 percent. This is the result of preliminary data by the Federal Information Centre for Agriculture (BZL).

1.4 billion organic eggs in 2018

According to the Federal Statistical Office, around 7.8 billion barn eggs were produced by the farms, while more than 2.3 billion eggs are from free-range systems. Of these, German farms produced a total of almost 1.4 billion organic eggs and slightly more than 770 million eggs from chicken husbandry in small groups. This makes 442 million eggs from free-range and organic husbandry than in the preceding year. However, it should be noted that the requirement to keep birds indoors due to bird flu resulted in a lower production of free-range eggs in 2017.

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