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Germany: dispute over organic brand Alnatura

by Editor (comments: 0)

The long dispute between dm, the biggest German chain of drugstores that sells cosmetics, healthcare and household products and health food,  Müller another big German drugstore chains, is about to be settled. The problem is that the drugstore chain Müller wants to put products of the organic brand Alnatura, on their shelves, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Alnatura Produktions und Handels GmbH is a German chain of organic food supermarkets. Currently Alnatura operates 75 supermarkets in Germany, each with 500 to 800 square meters of retail space. The collaboration with dm and Tegut produces half of their revenue. Dm, who is Germany's largest drugstore measured by revenues, has sold Alnatura’s products for decades. In their eyes, Alnatura is virtually their private label. Dm and Alnatura grew in market size together. The cooperation agreement between the two companies goes back to the 1980s. Dm has under this agreement a say in the selection of Alnatura distributors. Dm will sue the drugstore chain now.

The district court of Darmstadt currently has a decision to hand down. Dm was also against the big Alnatura sale at Edeka, which started a few months ago. This eventually attracts customers away from the dm stores. The verdict should be rendered on December 9th this year. 





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